

The Children of Tekton, a novel by Tim Beaurev

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The Childen of Tekton - Book by Tim BeaurevThe Childen of Tekton - Book by Tim Beaurev


The discovery of a stolen secret draws Joshua, a young physicist, into a journey searching for shadows in the desert. With his life unravelling around him, a quest to decipher an ancient enigma takes him far beyond his simple questions and into the belly of a clandestine organisation hidden in the sands of time. As he learns of their profound knowledge, Joshua finds himself facing the existential questions that challenge each of us as we wander through this life.

Beneath the gripping tale of adventure and intrigue, a deeper narrative unfolds. A spiritual odyssey, intertwining age-old questions with poignant, modern-day realities. Guided by the wisdom of Talal, readers are invited to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

The Children of Tekton isn't just a story of relics and shadows in the desert, it explores the very fabric of existence. Within its pages, it searches for the answer to life, the universe, and everything. And, as our heroes discover, it's an answer that doesn't just speak to the cosmos - it whispers directly to the soul, offering a guide to true happiness and fulfilment.

Dive into a tale where the lines between reality, mysticism and storytelling blur and where every turn of the page promises not just thrills, but a mind-expanding transformative experience.




Just what is the meaning of life anyway?

A thrilling novel that dares to ask the question...

(Whilst leaving religion out of it!)

In The Children of Tekton, I offer a mystical story to entertain, whilst offering a lifetime of insight into the deeper meaning of life, and how, through understanding the mechanisms controlling our existence, you too can succeed physically, financially, and emotionally, and find joy in the real world...

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...the rules work, the action of altruistic faith matters, and this is mine, to you.

If you want a paperback copy, I have it up on amazon at cost price (they still take their profit, obviously, hence the price isn't great in my opinion). Please be nice if you review it, I'm not doing this for money, I want to share this with the world, so if it's not for you, that's ok, just please don't kill it for someone else with mean reviews.

I'm giving my book away for free, years of work.... but why?

Because what I've written is actually true and will make the world a better place... happier, kinder, and more stable, and that is a world I want to be part of.

Read the book?

Good news, I added an easter egg on TimBeaurev.com where you can meet the stars of this epic adventure!

(I'll also be adding content over there in the coming months!)